If you have these pages in your blog you can get google
adsense approval easily
Lot of members of thinking to get how to get adsense approval but they started the blog for just adsense approval but they don't concentrate on the what adsense google adsense team was requirement in this blog post i am going to tell you what was that google adsense requirement and also how to get adsense approval easily by the following step by step method
1 about us
2 contact us
3 terms of use
4 privacy policy
5 sitemap
these are the five important pages to get adsense approval
Because stages of totally showing that interactive content with interactive usage of the user in the
first about us means as per the google and users we were telling about ourselves in about us page and also you can see my About us page how i designed it
Lot of members of thinking to get how to get adsense approval but they started the blog for just adsense approval but they don't concentrate on the what adsense google adsense team was requirement in this blog post i am going to tell you what was that google adsense requirement and also how to get adsense approval easily by the following step by step method
These Pages In Your Blog / Website Will Get Google Adsense Approval Easily | Prawin Tech |
Before that google adsense will review your blog is that your blog was friendly for your visitors and google adsense approval in the way of is that the blog or website is interactive or not so here we are going to say how to create pages for adsense approval so here we have to required 5 pages
2 contact us
3 terms of use
4 privacy policy
5 sitemap
these are the five important pages to get adsense approval
Because stages of totally showing that interactive content with interactive usage of the user in the
first about us means as per the google and users we were telling about ourselves in about us page and also you can see my About us page how i designed it
Second contact us page shows that you can contact us easily by through this page weather google or users and also you can see my Contact us page how i designed it
Click here to how to create terms of use page or terms & conditions
Fourth privacy policy this page shows google and uses that we have some privacy policies which was favourable for the google advertisements so you can get the adsense approval easily by creating this type of privacy policies and in this page specially mention that about cookies and advertisement in our website or blog
And last but not least the sitemap google and users must need this sitemap because your site was going in a flow chart like so google can easily track your blog or website easily and as per google policies you need to maintain the sitemap for user visibility
These are the five important pages to get adsense approval easily and these are the main tricks i have used to my blog www.alltro.in which was recently converted into website and you can see the websites with adsense approval and here i am earning 7000 rupees per month and in usd it was $100 per month
If you want to see and video of my channel click here
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If you want to see and video of my channel click here
Neither you can see the video below here